Once again the children and grandchildren of Valley and Rhoda Wright bring their families back to Piggott Arkansas for the annual Family Reunion.

This year was dedicated to the memory of Borden T. Wright who passed away on Memorial Day, May 25th 1998. He was 82 years of age. Dallas brought a video of the Arlington National Cemetery Funeral for us to watch and Ponder gave a review of his life.

This year the following children were able to attend:

Grandchildren included

In addition there were several friends and great-grandchildren such as Lisa Girtman and her family, Leah Risener and others.

Joe and Dana Marlin, (Cecil's Daughter) were unable to attend this year because of the impending surgery on their grandson Luke. This 10 year old son of Joey and Marie Marlin has fought this brain tumor and will undergo yet another dangerous surgery very soon.

Jan and Richard Hughes, (another of Cecil's Daughters) is busy planning a wedding for their son Andy on September 26th, 1998 at Pepperdine. Andy met his fiance, Kulchalee Hongwilia while on a mission trip with Let's Start Talking in Thailand, several years ago.

A most memorable moment that drove home how small the world really is, came on Sunday night. We had just pulled into the Open Roads motel when the flash of light and crack of an exploding transformer lit up the blackened sky. Many of the lights went out in the motel and several were standing outside their doors. As I walked past this one door several ladies were talking about missing the rest of the football game on TV. I casually asked who was on, knowing that I was missing the home opener of the Kansas City Chiefs. When she said "Chiefs" I noticed she was wearing the traditional Kansas City red jersey. Inquiring were she was from she said, Kansas City. I said, "I'm from Kansas City"!. "What neighborhood", I replied? She said, "Brookside". "I'm from brookside" I said. She asked what brought me to Piggott. I replied "a family reunion". She asked "what family"? "The Wright's" I said. Excitedly she said, "I'm a Wright and we are here for a family get together." I then took them all over to meet the rest of the group who were just getting settled. They were the daughters of Ray Wright and shared much valuable genological research with us. As we talked and then met again together the next morning for breakfast it was good to find even more extended family.

Ten of the original fourteen children of Rhoda and Valley Wright survived childhood, but only seven remain at this writing. We discussed the possibility of moving the date for the reunion in either 1999 or the year 2000 to something other than the Labor Day weekend. Please convey your wishes to Dallas Wright on this matter.

No group picture was taken this weekend, however these pictures are posted for those who were unable to attend.

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While in Piggott, many of the Wrights stay at the Open Roads Motel. The Dalton Motel located across the street has for the most part closed down leaving this as the only motel in town. Many of the Wrights are buried at the Piggott Cemetery, located on the outskirts of town. A walk through this peaceful setting will take you past the names of Braden, Risener, Graddy and other families associated with the Wrights.
The grave of Valley & Rhoda Wright is located next to that of Lacy Wright Valley Wright served as a minister of the churches of Christ, so while in town, many of the Wright's attend the South Thornton Church of Christ on Sunday Morning.
Margie, Ponder's daughter visits with her cousin Sandi, Winfred's daughter. Sandi is a Senior at Harding University and Margie is a teacher in Texas Edith Graddy, is the one daughter of Valley and Rhoda that remained in Piggott. Her health has been failing for some time.
Bill and Erma Dean Girtman regularly attend the Church of Christ. Erma Dean is the daughter of Edith and Troy Graddy Carolyn Cameron visits next to Erma Dean. Carolyn is the daughter of Ponder and Wanda Wright and lives in Alaska
Charles Wright, son of Lacy Wright. Charles had fun driving his little white Miata from St. Louis. Cleta Layman, now the eldest remaining child of Valley and Rhoda Wright shows little sign of slowing down.
Marcia Osborne drove her mother-in-law, Cleta Layman to the reunion from the Denver area. Here they are at church on Sunday Morning. Dallas Wright continues to organize the weekend events from his home near Washington DC.
Dorthy Wright visits with Stan Risener's guest Kathy Teson. Stan and Kathy have been seeing each other for over three yeas but this is her first visit to meet the entire family. Edith and Bynum share a moment during the weekend. Bynum has problems with his joints and must use a cane most of the time.
Winfred listens to Edith. Winfred continues to head the Foreign Language Department at Harding University. Edith Graddy, resides with her husband Troy outside of Piggott. Her son Ronnie and her Daughter Erma Dean both reside in town.
Edith's dauthter Erma Dean Girtman moved back to Piggott when her husband Bill retired from Ford Motor Company. In what has become her own tradition, Leah Risener paints finger nails of the ladies present.
Finger nails are the work of Leah every year. Clements son Gary Wright visits with Bynum and Marilyn Whitfield
Jim and Marilyn visit with Edith and Winfred Jim and Marilyn at church on Sunday Morning
Leah Risener, is Stan Risener's daughter. Grand-daughter to Lola Risener Leah Risener, continues to make the trip from Kansas City with her father Stan
Lola Risener, is the youngest daughter of Valley and Rhoda Wright. Her Husband Othur passed away in November 1995. Lola Risener enjoys attending church at Piggott where she knows so many of the people.
Lola and Erma Dean sit together at church Marcia Osborne, survives her husband Dwight and drove Cleta to the reunion this year.
Margie Wright, is the daughter of Ponder and Wanda Wright. Margie visits with her cousin Sandi
Phoebe and Lola both enjoyed the weekend Ponder, continues to have health problems associated with his diabetes and stroke.
A a preacher you will find Ponder in church on Sunday mornings Ponder looks like he survived the drive from near Dallas well.
Randall Risener, son of Lola Risener. Sandi, Dottie and Cleta share memories
Sandi Wright, was one of the hostess for the Annual Spring Sing last year at Harding University. Sandi Wright, very interested in missions much like her Mother and Father, Dottie and Winfred.
Sara Conley, will continue on with Jim and Marilyn to visit their sister Dana's grandson Luke who is having serious brain surgery. Stan Risener, creator of this page relaxes while daughter Leah snaps pictures.
Cousin Tennie always makes a point to visit at the reunion. Tenni and Dallas share a visit together
Phoebe talks with unidentified friends

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